Elpical | Thomas Holm | Pixl Aps


ELPICAL Software develops and markets software solutions for digital imaging applications. Our technology enables, for instance, publishers to automatically enhance image assets. This enhancement is based on a thorough image analysis. Furthermore, we offer solutions to automate image workflows in companies. Our image asset management solutions ensure that organising the onerous daily flow of images is a relatively easy task.

ELPICAL was founded in 1997 following a management buy-out of the Electronic Imaging department of Victor Hasselblad AB. Since that time, ELPICAL has become a leading specialist in the field of digital imaging. Many renowned publishers of magazines and newspapers know ELPICAL as a reliable partner offering sophisticated solutions and reliable support. 

Since the use of digital images is expanding at a fast pace, ELPICAL increasingly targets other markets as well. An OEM contract with Océ is a good example of this trend. The possibility of enhancing images contained in PDF files offers unique possibilities to many service providers. 

Our technological assets are in the field of imaging. We will continue to focus on further developing these technologies and helping our customers to improve their workflow and output image quality. Our specialist knowledge ensures that we are a reliable partner for independent software vendors, solution providers and system integrators who need imaging functionality in their solutions.

Pixl Aps · Filmtorvet 4. · 3500 Værløse  ·  Danmark · Tlf: (+45) 32 96 90 14 · www.pixl.dk