Online seminar - Get the Best Prints from Your Lab | Thomas Holm | Pixl Aps

Online seminar - Get the Best Prints from Your Lab

Gratis X-Rite online seminar
Take control of your Color Workflow and get the best prints possible!

Wouldn’t you like to get prints back that look just like they did on your monitor? In this hour long webinar, we’ll show you how to make this happen. 

Starting with your monitor, we’ll cover how to make your monitor perform to the best of its ability and how to judge if it might be causing you trouble. 

Good Prints

Using hardware and software, we’ll calibrate and profile both desktop and laptop monitors so that the most accurate editing and evaluation can take place.

Not sure how to deal with color spaces and profiles in Adobe Photoshop? We’ll explain the importance of color space conversions and teach you how to soft proof in preparation for sending your files out for printing. When we’re finished, you’ll have a clear set of steps to take to ensure great results.

Who should watch this webinar? 

Wedding, portrait and landscape photographers using professional labs
Photo Lab Professionals
Photographic enthusiasts sending images out for print
Topics Covered 
Color Management Basics
Getting Correct Color at Capture
Monitor Calibration & Profiling
Soft proofing in Adobe Photoshop
What Your Lab Needs for Great Prints

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Pixl Aps · Filmtorvet 4. · 3500 Værløse  ·  Danmark · Tlf: (+45) 32 96 90 14 ·