ColorGATE Container module | Thomas Holm | Pixl Aps

ColorGATE Container module



Creation of collective print jobs; including various additional functions.

Auto arrange

Optimized job arrangement

Free placement

Optional arrangement via drag & drop or via entering coordinates.

Job duplication / duplicate approval

Creation and managing of job duplicates

Job properties

Changes to the job properties


Option for placement/output of jobs above/below one another, for instance to integrate logos.

Magnetic edges

Magnetic guide lines and object edges

Copy and layout print

Freely definable copy printing

Multipage container

Output of multipage PDF and PostScript files

Tiling container

Container generation in outputting segmented jobs

Printmode check

Print mode check

Container size

Definition of container size; including cut marks and indication of protected margins.

Hot Container

Automatic generation of a container from jobs that are imported via a hotfolder.

Freely definable scaling



Completion and automatic printing after the predefinition (container length; time limit).

Create a Flipside Container

Creation of a container copy with mirrored job positioning for double-sided print jobs (e.g. ceiling danglers). Easy job replacement for the back-side.


Free positioning of guidelines via mouse of input box. Saveable as set.

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