ColorGATE Linearisation Assistant | Thomas Holm | Pixl Aps

ColorGATE Linearisation Assistant

Linearization Assistant

Linearization assistant

Spectral meter based assistant for creation of printer- and media-specific linearizations; various additional functions.

MIM settings

Automatic integration of linearizations in an MIM (Media-Ink-Metamode) combination.

Color transfer

Definition of the transition areas from light to full-tone colors.


Manual linearization for advanced correction of ink quantities that are too high or too low.


Selection of an appropriate target document for the measurement device.

Media white point

Definition of the media white point by input of a Lab value.

Measuring data

The measurement device is controlled via the software. Measurement data can be saved.

Measuring data preview

Preview of the measured data per channel (density/lab).

Full color

Definition of the full color tone Automatic / manual. Optionally based on density auf Dichte (ISO-A, ISO-E, ISO-T) oder Chroma (Lightness for Black).


Graphical illustration of measured density, chroma and lightness values per channel.

Linearization curves

Display of the linearization curves per channel.


Slider for linearization curve smoothing. Allows to compensate mismeasurements.

Ink Splitting

Combination of light and fullcolor channels on printmodes with light ink support

Ink limit target

Printing of an ink limit target in order to define the maximum ink lay down.

Gray balance

Optimization of the gray balance

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